Record safety assessment participants
Process: Record a safety assessment
The safety assessment requires you to evaluate the safety factors or signs of present danger, past history, child vulnerability, and family protective capacities as they relate to each participant. The safety assessment must include at least one child participant and one adult participant.
Follow these steps to select the participants in the safety assessment.
On the Safety Assessment tab, click Add Child to add a child participant. The Available Participants screen appears, which lists all case participants.
Select the check box next to each child who is a participant in this safety assessment.
Click Save. You are returned to the Safety Assessment Details screen.
Click Add Adult to add an adult participant. The Available Participants screen appears, which lists all case participants who are not already included in this assessment.
Select the check box next to each adult who is a participant in this safety assessment.
Click Save. You are returned to the Safety Assessment tab.
For each adult, click the relationship link to select the relationship the person has to other participants.
See Record a safety assessment for instructions on other assessment tabs.