Record a Need for a person

Needs (formerly Concerns) and Action Steps can only be added/updated from within a source activity.  Source activities are those actions that take place in the course of casework where a child and family’s strengths, needs and action steps are identified.  Examples are CFTMs, Collateral Contacts, Consultations, External Assessments, and Immediate Protection Agreements.  Source activities can be created by selecting a source activity from the Quick Actions list on the Person Home Page.

  1. Navigate to Person Home Page:
    1. From Home Workload page, click the Person icon on an Ongoing Case.  The Person Home Page appears.
    2. Alternately, click the search link at the top of the page and search for and select a Person.  The Person Home Page appears.
  2. Select a Quick Action; either Hold CFTM, Add Collateral Contact, Add Consultation, Add External Assessment or Add IPA.  In each there will be a section called "Strengths and Needs" where Needs can be recorded.

  3. Select  'Add IPA' from the Quick Actions drop-down.  A 'Select IPA' window pops up.
  4. Click 'New' on the 'Select IPA' window.  The IPA screen appears, with a 'Strengths and Needs' section and a 'Participants' section.
  5. At least one child concerning is required in order to enter a Need.  Select 'Child Concerning' on a child's row in the Participants grid.  Click in the 'Role' field and a drop-down will appear.  Click the arrow to expand the drop-down and select 'Child Concerning'.
  6. In the 'Strengths and Needs' grid, click the arrow on the 'Add' button to expand it and select 'Need'. The 'Add Need' window pops up.
  7. Click inside the 'Concerned Person' field and select the child concerning.
  8. Enter Begin Date.
  9. Optionally select a category.
  10. Click Save.  You have added a Need.  The new need will be the first 'Need' listed.