Select Participants Page

A case recording Participant is anyone who actively participated in the contact, whether in person, by telephone, or through video conference.  

Participants can be selected from the following categories of persons associated with the case: 

Important Note!  For each person selected from the Child Present category, you must also indicate whether (Yes or No) the child’s “Social, Medical and Educational Needs were addressed as part or result of the contact. This response is one of the criteria that determines if the contact is included or excluded from Targeted Case Management (TCM) billing.

Selecting a person as a ‘participant’ from any of these categories implies that the person had active involvement in the contact.   Persons selected from these categories will display collectively on the case recording detail screen as ‘Participant’ with the ‘category’ they were chosen from displayed as their ‘role’ in the contact.

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[CF49  s01]


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