Home > Screen Specific Help > Adoption screen help > Potential Adoptive Families screen
Potential Adoptive Families
On this screen you initiate the search for potential adoptive families for a child in the case. When you perform the search, the system locates an adoptive family whose service type and other criteria match the needs and characteristics of the adoptive child you select on this screen. You can match providers for one child at a time. You cannot choose which providers are brought over to the adoption case, although you can restrict, with an explanation, providers from future searches.
When the search is complete, this screen displays the history of potential adoptive families which can be matched in the selected case. From this screen you can view the search criteria that resulted in the listed potential families. You can also view the resources found by the automated match.
Once the potential adoptive families have been identified, you indicate whether they will be included in a matching conference.
Click Search Families, to search for potential adoptive families..
Click the [child name] link to view the history of searches performed for the child.
Click View Criteria to view the search criteria used in the automated search.
Click View Results to view all resources found in the automated match.
[CM20c s01]