Displays the child in the removal record. Click the name link to view the person profile for the child.
Custody Removal Date
Type or select the date when the child was removed from the home.
Primary Caretaker
Select the person on the case who takes primary responsibility for the child's care at home.
Secondary Caretaker
Select the person on the case who also has responsibility for the child's care at home.
Caretaker Structure
Select the living arrangement of the primary and secondary caretakers.
Was exposure to methamphetamine ...
Select Yes if the home was used as a place for manufacturing methamphetamine.
Available Removal Reasons
Contains the possible reasons for removing the child from the home. Click one or more items and click Add>> to move the items to the Selected Removal Reasons box.
Selected Removal Reasons
Contains the reasons why the child was removed from the home. To remove a reason, select it and click <<Remove.