Placement Records
This screen displays the placement records for children in the case. From this screen you can record new placements, end placement records, authorize placements, record temporary breaks in placement, and perform audits. Any of these links could be displayed on the row with a placement record, depending on your security.
Placement Records Filter Criteria Grid: provides the means to search for and view existing placement information for child(ren)/youth in the family case.
From Begin Date: Enter the earliest placement begin date to filter the records.
To Begin Date: Enter the latest placement begin date to filter the records.
Child's Name: Select a child name to see records for a specific child.
Status: Select a status to see records for a specific status.
Sort Results By: Select the sort order of the results.
Filter: Filters the information based on the search criteria entered.
Clear Form: Removes all of the entered filter criteria.
Placement Records Grid
Result(s): Lists number of records within the grid.
If filter criteria is entered for a specific child, the results will display the number of placement records.
Placement Record Options: Contains links where the user can add or review information.
select: to view or update a placement record
Service Sessions: to add, view, update or delete a service session
authorize: to view an existing Service Authorization
Correction: to navigate directly to the page where correction can be made
reports: Allows the user to select and view a report. The user can also generate documents for Authorization to Vendor, Notice of Action and Special or Extraordinary Board Rates Request to print.
Child's Name: Lists the child’s name and date of birth.
[HR] tag by the child/youth name: When a CANS has been approved and results in a score of 2 or higher in specific domains, TFACTS shall display a tag [HR] by the child/youth’s name in order to provide an immediate visual indicator that the child/youth has been determined to be High-Risk.
Service Type/Description: Displays the Placement contract type with description of type
Resource Name: Name of the resource family name or provider agency where the child/youth was placed during the placement episode.
Removal Begin/End Date: Child/youth custodial removal end date and end date for custodial event.
Begin/End Date: Placement episode begin and end date.
Status: The status of the placement episode is displayed. Status options are: Completed, Created in Error, Draft and Invalid.
Inserts and Documents:
temporary break - to add, view or update Temporary Break information
documents - to view attached documents or to scan and attach documents to the record
NOA –to view written notification of any changes (proposed or actual) to the level of care a child has been receiving
Placement Records Entry and Correction Options:
To add information:
Select Child/Youth and click applicable button.
Add Placement Record button - to record a new placement for a child in the case
Correction History button - to view the correction history for a selected child in the case
Insert Correction button - to insert a placement correction record for the selected child
[CM31 s01] (revised Feb 2018)