Collateral Contact

Collateral contacts are conversations, by telephone, in-person, or in writing that the worker has with persons on behalf of the client. This includes any professional providing formal services (e.g., therapists, teachers) and others important to the client (e.g., neighbors, ministers). 


The following elements are REQUIRED before a Collateral Contact can be completed:


The following elements are optional meaning you can save the collateral contact without entering a narrative, adding participants or changing the status. If there is something to be said about the collateral contact, it can be typed in the Narrative field.  If there were collateral contact participants that are not listed in the Participants grid, they can be added.  When the collateral contact is completely entered, the status can be changed to 'Completed'.  See instructions below.


Strengths and Needs


·         Any Strengths and Needs records in ‘Open’ status for the Concerned Person will display on the Collateral Contact screen so that the information is readily available when documenting contacts.

·         Can add new or update existing Strengths and Needs from this screen.

·         Any Strength or Need added or reviewed on a source activity must be in completed status before the source activity can be completed.

·         Adding Strengths and Needs on a Collateral Contact record is optional.

·         Refer to Strengths and/or Needs help topics for information on ‘How To’ create/update Strengths and Needs records.

(Right click and select 'Back' to return from the Strengths help topic or from the Needs help topic back to this help topic.)





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