Strengths, Needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. (formerly Concerns) and Action Steps can only be added/updated from a source activity. Source activities A source activity is the record that Strength/Needs records are attached to. It can be a CFTM, Collateral Contact, Consultation, External Assessment or IPA. When the select link corresponding to a Strength/Need record is clicked from the Electronic Case File area the Source Activity where the Strength/Need record was created is available as a hyperlink to view additional information. are those actions that take place in the course of casework where a child and family’s strengths, needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. and action steps are identified. Examples are: CFTMs, Consultations Consultations are conversations that take place between parties internal to DCS., Collateral Contacts, External Assessments, and Immediate Protection Agreements. Source activities A source activity is the record that Strength/Needs records are attached to. It can be a CFTM, Collateral Contact, Consultation, External Assessment or IPA. When the select link corresponding to a Strength/Need record is clicked from the Electronic Case File area the Source Activity where the Strength/Need record was created is available as a hyperlink to view additional information. can be created by selecting the appropriate value from the Quick Actions Quick Actions refers to the ability to quickly document an activity from the Person Home Page. Quick Actions can be selected from a drop-down list on the Person Home Page. In Phase 1, activities that can be 'quickly' documented without requiring navigation into case modules are: CFTM (Schedule, Reschedule, Cancel, Hold), Add/Delete Collateral Contacts, Add/Delete Consultations, Add/Delete External Assessments, and Add/Delete IPA. list.
(Click any heading below to expand the heading and reveal more information.)
Add a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.
o The source activity record must be in 'In Progress' status.
o In the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. and Needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. section, click the Add button to activate the drop list and select 'Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.'. The Add Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. window will be displayed.
o The following elements are REQUIRED in order to create a pending Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record:
o Concerned Person
o Enter at least one concerned person.
o If multiple concerned persons are selected on a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record, TFACTS will automatically create a separate Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record for each person.
o The list of Concerned Persons is derived from the list of Participants on the source activity.
o Begin Date
o Cannot be a future date.
o These additional elements are REQUIRED in order to move a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record from pending to open status:
o Category
o Select one Category value for each strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record.
o If Category is selected prior to the creation of multiple records, the information is entered once and displayed on each Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record.
o If Category is selected AFTER multiple records are created (one for each Concerned Person), Category must then be selected for each Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record.
o Social, Medical & Eductional Needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. Addressed
o Select Yes or No to indicated whether the child(ren)’s Social, Medical & Education Needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. were addressed during the activity.
o Description
o Enter narrative text (up to 4000 characters) to describe the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past..
o Important Note! TFACTS has been designed to allow strengths to be added for multiple Concerned Persons at the same time. A Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. can be exactly the same for all Concerned Persons, or, they can be different (individualized) for each.
o If the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. being added is the same for all Concerned Persons, avoid re-entry of Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. information by completing ALL elements of the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. BEFORE clicking Apply or Save and creating separate Strengths for each Concerned Person identified. This will ensure the same information will be applied to the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. records for each Concerned Person.
o If Strengths are being entered for multiple Concerned Persons and the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. information is different for each, the minimum required fields for creating pending Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record can be entered and then each can be updated accordingly.
View a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.
Strengths can be viewed from the Electronic Case File The Electronic Case File provides quick access to information for the Person in focus, including Events, which are any type of activity in TFACTS. on the Person Home Page and from within an activity record.
o To view a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. from the Electronic Case File The Electronic Case File provides quick access to information for the Person in focus, including Events, which are any type of activity in TFACTS., click the select link for the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. row if one exists. OR,
o Click the +more link to access the Electronic Case File The Electronic Case File provides quick access to information for the Person in focus, including Events, which are any type of activity in TFACTS. Search feature and search for Event Type = Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.. Click the select link in the row of the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. to be viewed.
o To view a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. from within an activity record, click on the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. row in the Strengths and Needs Needs (formerly referred to as Concerns) are behaviors and risks displayed by the child or family. This should include the reasons for DCS involvement with the family/child. section. The row expands to reveal Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. information
o Click the row again to collapse the information.
Update a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.
o Only Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. records with status = Pending can be updated.
o Access the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record to be updated via Electonic Case File or on the source activity record.
§ While a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. is in Pending status, it cannot be viewed/updated from any activity/event record other than the activity from which it was created (source).
o All elements of a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record can be updated EXCEPT the Concerned Person field.
o Click the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. row to reveal the information and then make necessary updates.
o Click Apply or Save to save updates to the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past..
Review a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.
o Only Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. records with status = Open can be reviewed.
o Access the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record to be reviewed via Electonic Case File or an activity record.
§ Once a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record reaches Open status, it can be accessed/updated from any activity record for that person. Reviews are not limited to the source activity record.
o Click the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. ro to reveal the information.
o There will be two tabs enabled:
§ = Information
§ = Review To review the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past., click this tab.
§ Required elements for documenting a Review are:
· Progress Status
· Review End Date
o Must be entered before review can be completed
· What has Changed
Delete a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past.
o Only Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. records with status = Pending can be deleted.
o Access the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record to be deleted via Electonic Case File or on the source activity record.
o Click the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. row to reveal the information.
o Click the blue trashcan to delete the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past..
o Respond to confirmation message:
Mark a Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. in Error
o Only Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. records with status = Open or Closed can be marked in error.
o Access the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. record to be marked in error via Electonic Case File or on the source activity record.
o Click the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. row to reveal the information.
o Click the blue ! to mark the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. in error.
o Respond to the confirmation message:
§ Click OK to mark the Strength Skills, abilities, talents, resiliencies, and resources that have enabled a family to be successful or to overcome adversity in the past. in error.
§ Click Cancel to cancel the action.
o Items that have been marked in error can be viewed/accessed from the Electronic Case File The Electronic Case File provides quick access to information for the Person in focus, including Events, which are any type of activity in TFACTS..
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