Requirements 7 to 9
On this screen you record the details for FCM eligibility requirements 7 through 9. Click the or the requirement title link to expand the details for each requirement. You can also record one or more budget worksheets that are applicable to the child.
AU Members - Requirement 7
Click or AU Information to view the available case members and select the members for the assistance unit (AU). The system retrieves active case members who live at the same address as the child, excluding these family members:
Anyone who currently receives SSI, FCM, or AA
Siblings who are stepsister or stepbrother
Non-US citizens or qualified aliens
siblings who do not meet the age requirement
Siblings who are not deprived
Stepparents when there are no common children
Parents who are qualified alien, but ineligible due to sponsor income
Parents who are on permanent intentional program violations
Click delete to remove a person who is not a member of the AU and reset any budget worksheets with which the person was associated.
Click Add AU Member to search for and select additional persons for the AU. You can then indicate whether the individual is receiving SSI, FCM, or AA . Mandatory AU members may include a parent from whom the child was legally removed, but was not living at the address at the time of removal.
Click select to view the person profile for the AU member.
Click summary to view the income and resources information for the parent or guardian.
Deprivation/PWE - Requirement 8
Click or Deprivation/PWE to record information about the principal wage earner (PWE) and whether the child meets the deprivation requirement for IV-E eligibility.
Note |
If the child meets requirements for deprivation you do not have to complete any other requirements. |
Budget Worksheets
Click or Worksheets to record one or more income and resource worksheets. These worksheets are used in the calculations to determine whether the child meets the need standard.
Click Add Budget Worksheet to complete a selected worksheet.
Need Standard Summary - Requirement 9
Click or Need Standard Summary to view the summary of need standard information. This information is based on the details you enter into the budget worksheets. If the budget worksheets are not complete, the need standard summary information is not accurate.
Determine eligibility for IV-E Foster Care Maintenance
Review or record assistance unit information
Record deprivation/PWE information
Complete the appropriate budget worksheet
Verify income and resource summaries
[FM01 s06]