Continued Reimburseability Details

This screen displays the details that impact the continued reimbursability for a child's placement in a foster home. If the child receives SSI, you can view or record the CWBC decision for allowing concurrent SSI eligibility with IV-E foster care eligibility.

The Department is generally reimbursed for payments made during a placement episode for a child who is deemed eligible and reimbursable for IV-E FCM. When the eligibility determination record is in "Complete" status, the system automatically creates an initial reimbursability record. After you determine the initial reimbursability for the client, you determine continued reimbursability on a regular basis.

Click select to view the person profile for the child.

Click Determine Reimbursability to calculate whether the Department can be reimbursed for foster care costs

Click Concurrent SSI/Title IV-E Eligibility Checklist to view or update the checklist for concurrent SSI and IV-E eligibility.

How do I...

Determine continued reimbursability for IV-E FCM

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[FM03 s02]

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