Summary Details - Non-Recurring Adoption Assistance

On this screen you to view the summary information about a request for non-recurring IV-E Adoption Assistance (AA). This screen displays whether the child and resource are eligible and details about the eligibility.

A subsidy for non-recurring expenses applies to the expenses an adoptive parent incurs during the adoption process. With this type of subsidy, the organization reimburses the family for approved expenses. The State, in turn, reimburses the organization.

Click Determine Eligibility to determine whether the child is eligible for IV-E AA. The system that certain criteria are met and displays the results on the screen.

Click Approval to submit the subsidy request to the team leader for approval.

Click Create Payment to generate a payment for an approved subsidy request.

Click payment history to view details about past non-recurring payments.

How do I...

Determine eligibility for non-recurring adoption expenses

Record an adoption subsidy appeal decision

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[FM04 s02c]

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