Service Authorization Details


This screen displays the authorization for placements or services that are documented on the case record and on this screen, the service authorization details can be maintained and approved.  The resource and standardized, contracted or user defined cost information is pre-populated into the service authorization. The basic cost data for services that do not have a standardized or contracted cost and for supplements (per diem costs) can be entered on this screen.

The Cost Type field on this screen defaults to "Contracted" in the following situations:

The Cost Type field can be "User Defined" in the following situations:

The Cost Type field can be "User Defined" for certain service descriptions.

The Basic Cost field and the Calculate button are enabled when "User Defined" is selected from the Cost Type drop-down.

Click Link/Unlink Contract to link a contract to the service authorization.

The Add Per Diem Cost button is enabled for certain service descriptions to record add-on amounts to the cost.


A per diem cost may not be deleted after it has been saved.      

How do I...

Record a service authorization

View a service authorization

Record a per diem cost for a service authorization

Fields on this screen


[FM11 s02]  (revised mon yyyy)

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