Adoption Assistance Agreement CS-0513

CS-0513 outlines the terms and conditions associated with monthly maintenance payments made to an adoptive family to help defray some of the costs of caring for an adopted child with special needs. The form is generated and is signed by the "Adoptive Parents" and the "Department of Children Services."

The purpose of this form is to outline the payments and the services to be provided based on a child's documented special needs and conditions. The document captures the signatures of the Adoptive Parents and designated Department of Children Services staff. This agreement is signed prior to adoption finalization.

When a child is legally, free for adoption, determined eligible for adoption assistance, and the prospective adoptive family requests adoption assistance via the "Intent to Adopt and Application for Adoption Assistance," this form represents an agreement between DCS and the adoptive family.

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Financial > Eligibility tab, click Subsidy Determination in link menu > Subsidy screen, click report link.




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