Permanency Plan Summary Report Parameter Page

The Permanency Plan Summary report parameter page allows the user to select or remove information as needed to generate the Permanency Plan Summary report.  The permanency plan summary report can be printed for any or all goal or plan participants.  It can also be fashioned to include any or all Available Assigned Secondary Workers with an active assignment (explicit or implicit) to the family case.


User Entry Parameters


Print Health Summary Information from <date> to present (Note: if no date is selected all Health Summary Information will be printed).

Enter a start date from which the system will pull health summary information.  

Available Goal Participants:

Highlight the desired goal participant, then click on the right arrow to move that participant to the Selected Goal Participant column.  

Selected Goal Participants:

This is a required field.  A Goal Participant must be identified in order to generate this report.

Available Plan Participants:

Highlight the desired plan participant, then click on the right arrow to move that participant to the Selected Plan Participant column.  

Selected Plan Participants:

This is not a required field.  The Plan Participants selected from the Available Plan Participant column will be listed here.

Assigned Primary Case Worker:

The Primary Case Worker assigned to the case will be displayed.

Assigned Supervisor:

The Assigned Supervisor assigned to the case.

Available Assigned Secondary Workers:

System displays all persons, (excluding the primary case worker and assigned supervisor) with an active assignment (explicit or implicit) to the family case.

Selected Assigned Secondary Workers:

Lists user selected Assigned Secondary Workers.

Enter any other relevant educational information:

Enter comments concerning relevant education information.





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