CPS Intake - Workload
The CPS Intake Workload Screen provides a central area for intakes that involve child abuse or neglect. The most recent intakes (that match the search criteria) are listed first, except for emergency intakes which are always at the top of the list. The 'Owner Name' field defaults to the logged in person. Changing the search criteria changes the intakes that display in the CPS INTAKE WORKLOAD grid.
An intake is assigned a status, according to the actions taken on the intake.
Depending on the status of the intake and on your security, you may see a select link, assign link, report link, link link, decision link, delete link, or a document link. Depending on your security you may see an Add CPS Intake button. You can click the View CI Online link and see the Child Abuse Hotline workers currently logged in to TFACTS.
Note: The CPS Workload tab is in focus by default and if the intake you want to search for or enter is not a CPS Intake then click the Other Intake Workload tab.
Links and Buttons on this screen
[IN01 s01]