Intake - Participants
On this screen Intake Participants who are involved
in a CPS Intake can be viewed or added (with the proper security).
PARTICIPANTS grid displays
information about the Intake Participants such as Participant ID, Name,
SSN, Gender, DOB, Age, and Role:
launches the participant details screen, where participant information
can be viewed and with the proper security, participant information can
be updated.
Intake Nameis a radio
button, if clicked determines the Intake Name.
deleteif the
intake has not been linked to a case (investigation) and with the proper
security, a delete link will be displayed on the participant row. Clicking
the delete on a participant's
row will remove the participant from the intake record. Note: when
the intake is linked to a case, the delete
no longer displays.
Add Participantwith the
proper security the Add Participant button
will diplay. If displayed clicking launches the participant
screen where, with the proper security, a participant can be added to
the intake. Note: Intakes may be created and completed with
an "unknown" participant. The worker on the case can add details
about the participant's identity at a later date.
Participants Relationships
grid displays Name and Number of Unspecified Relationships
launches the relationship screen, where, with the proper security, the
participant's relationship to the other participants can be entered and
Knowledge Base...
[IN01a s01] (revised
May 2017)