MRS Tracking Tool Questions
This screen displays the questions that have been entered for the track tool. On this screen you define the actions the system takes based on the answers from the intake worker when they use the track tool for an intake.
Possible answers are Yes and No. For each response you define the recommended track and the next question to be available in the tool. As the intake worker select answers to the questions, the MRS tool shows the recommended track and next available question as you define them here.
After the intake worker completes the tool questions, the resulting track is the recommendation. The intake worker submits this recommended track to the intake specialist or supervisor. The intake specialist or supervisor reviews the recommended track for approval. If the intake specialist or supervisor rejects the recommended track, the worker will have to document why the recommended track was not followed and why another course of action is needed.
Click Add Track Tool Question to enter specific questions for the track tool.
Create a track tool for intake track assignment
[IN09 s02]