Investigation - Investigation Topics
The Investigation Topics page provides an overview of an investigation and is the hub where investigation maintenance is performed.
This page provides access to integral parts of an investigation such as participants, linked intakes, allegations, case recordings, scanned documents, allegations, classifications and case recordings.
Linked Intakeslaunches the Linked Intakes page with a list of linked intakes. The status cell will contain the count of linked intakes. Count of Linked Intakes=
Investigation Personslaunches the Investigation Persons page where participants can be established, added and deleted from the investigation. The status cell will contain the count of persons/participants. Count of Persons/Participants=
Case Recordingslaunches the Case Recording List screen where Recordings can be added and listed. The status cell will contain the count of case recordings. Count of Case Recordings=
Allegations/Classificationslaunches the Classification Information screen where allegations are listed, where classifications can be added to allegations and where allegations can be added. The status cell will contain the count of allegations and classified allegations. The first value will be count of allegations. The second value will be the count of classified allegations. Count of Allegations/Classified Allegations=
the Reports Search page with a list of Investigation Forms/Reports
that can be generated. The
status cell will contain the count of Forms/Reports. Count
of Forms/Reports=
Extension Requestslaunches the Extension Request page where Extension Requests will be listed and can be added. The status cell will contain the count of extension requests. Count of Extension Requests=
Due Processlaunches the Due Process screen where the due processes are listed and where due processes can be added. The Status cell will contain the count of Due Processes. Count of Due Processes=
Documentslaunches the Select Document screen where investigation documents can be listed and displayed and where scanned documents or can be uploaded. The status cell will contain the count of documents scanned. Count of Documents Scanned=
Checklistslaunches the Checklist Search screen where checklists can be listed and added. The status cell will contain a count of Checklists. Count of Checklists=
Track Changelaunches the Track Change page where a track could be changed or where a changed track could be viewed. The status cell contain either “Track changed” or “Track not changed”.
Link Investigation to Caseis only available once all Investigation Persons have been established and launches the Link Case screen which lists the cases this investigation can be linked to, is linked to and/or where a Family Case can be created for this Investigation. The status cell will contain the case ID number of the case or cases this investigation is linked to
the Assessment History page where Assessments will be listed and can
be added. The status cell will contain the count of Assessments.
Count of Assessments=
abbreviated investigation or assessment is an appropriate option when
the initial information alleges a child may have been abused or neglected
but there is no evidence to support the allegations and there are no safety
risk factors identified.
Abbreviated Investigation indicator defaults to
User may change to “Yes”. TFACTS will
validate whether the investigation meets criteria for Abbreviated Investigation
CPS Case cannot be abbreviated
if it contains sex abuse and/or child death allegations.
CPS Case cannot be abbreviated
since it is more than 15 days after the earliest CPS Intake date of any
intake linked to the investigation.
CPS Case (tracked Investigation
or Special Investigation) cannot be abbreviated if at least one allegation
is substantiated. Classification decisions for all allegations
on the investigation must be “Allegation Unsubstantiated/Perpetrator Unsubstantiated”
in order for the investigation to qualify for abbreviated activity.
Approvalclick to submit this investigation to the team leader for approval. Clicking starts a "15-day" clock because an investigation cannot be processed as an "Abbreviated" case once a 15-day time limit has passed.
Linking an Investigation to a Family Case
Accessing CPS Documents for Non-CPS Workers
[IV20 s02] (revised May 2017)