Investigation Persons
Investigation Persons screen allows workers to view and update Investigation
Person details, establish Intake Participants, and add or delete Persons
in the Investigation case. Once
Intake Participants are established the Name field becomes a hyperlink
that when clicked displays the Person Home Page. The
Investigation Header provides Investigation ID, Name, Status, Organization,
Priority, Response Due Date/Time and Track.
Note: The information
provided in this section applies to both CPS Investigation and CPS Assessment
select- this option
becomes available once Intake Participants are established. Click
the select link
to view and update the Investigation Person's details; including Investigation
Role(s), Living Arrangements, and Preliminary Near Death Indicator.
establish- this link is only available for Investigation Participants
who became part of the Investigation through the Intake process. Click
the establish link
to search and determine if the person already exists in TFACTS. If
so, choose that person instead of adding the person again. If
the person does not already exist in TFACTS, then a new person would be
reestablish- if
the Investigation Person is established incorrectly contact your regional
FCCR to have the person reestablished to
the correct person (provide the correct Person ID if one exists; if the
Person was not found in your search, then provide as much identifying
information as possible so a thorough search can be completed before re-establishing
to a new person).
Investigation Name-
the recommendation is to select the child who is the oldest ACV as the
Investigation Reference Person when linking the Intake to a new or existing
Investigation. This
action results in that person being listed as the Investigation Name in
the Investigation Header.
Investigation Name Radio Button-
the radio button selected determines the Investigation Name, which is
displayed in the Investigation Header. To select a different person click
the Person’s name you wish to display as the Investigation Name, then
click Apply or Save.
Intake Participant ID- Investigation
Persons who were added as part of an Intake linked to this Investigation
will have an Intake Participant ID. Investigation Persons who were
not added as Participants in a linked Intake but were 'Added' after the
Investigation was created will not have an Intake Participant ID.
Name- this
field contains the Name of the Investigation Person or Intake Participant.
If the person has been established the Name will be a hyperlink
to the Person Home Page. The Name will not be a hyperlink if the
Intake Participant has not yet been established.
Role(s)- Investigation Persons who were Participants
in an intake linked to the is investigation will have one or more roles
listed. Roles can be added or removed (if the person is not part
of an Allegation set) on the Investigation Person Details screen, by clicking
select on
the person row for which you wish to make changes. The select
link is not available until Intake Participants have been established. Persons
who are added during the Investigation will have a select
link so that Roles can be selected for them. Adding the Role is necessary in order to
add Allegations when an additional person is identified as an ACV or AP
during the Investigation process.
Person ID- Investigation
Persons who have been established have a Person ID listed; each Person
record has a unique Person ID.
Ageis calculated and displays when the Date
of Birth was entered for established Persons or Intake Participants.
DOBdisplays when this information was entered
for established Persons or for Intake Participants.
when entered for established Persons or Intake Participants
Begin Datefor
a Participant of a linked Intake is the date the Intake was recorded. For
a Person added to the Investigation, it is the date the person was added
to the Investigation.
Delete- click the delete link
to remove an investigation person from the investigation. (This
link does not delete the person from TFACTS). Only persons who were
Added to the Investigation and who are not part of an Allegation set can
be deleted.
Add Person- click the Add
Person button
to add persons who were not included in the Intake but who are part of
the Investigation case. A
search will be performed so persons who are in TFACTS can be selected
to add to the Case or a new Person record can be created if the person
is not in TFACTS.
Knowledge Base...
and Establishing Unknown Persons
[IV21 s01]
(revised May 2017)