Investigation Good Faith Efforts Detail
This screen provides a place for workers to document specific details about efforts to locate an Investigation Participant.
Person worker is attempting to locate. (required)
System-derived, non-editable date of birth of person identified in 'Name' field.
System-derived, non-editable age of person identified in 'Name' field.
Type of Effort
Describes specific actions worker has taken to locate the person of interest. (required)
If Other, Explain
If the value of 'Other' is selected for 'Type of Effort', user is required to enter details here describing what 'other' entails.
Date/Time of Effort
When the specific action(s) took place. (required)
Narrative text to provide specific details regarding the actions taken. (required)
Entered By
System-derived name of logged in user who entered the good faith entry. (non-editable)
Date/Time stamp that represents when the entry was created in TFACTS.
IV22 s02
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