Add Reclassification Details
Reclassification details are entered for the specific allegation via this screen.
Reclassification* - Select the new classification for this investigation.
Severe* - Select Yes if the abuse should be considered as severe.
Allegation* - Select the type of allegation.
Reason for Classification Change* - Select the reason for reclassifying the investigation.
Reclassification Date* - Enter the date when the allegation was reclassified.
CSEM - Select Yes or No if 'Sexual Abuse' is selected in the 'Allegation' field. Otherwise this field is disabled.
Reclassification Details Narrative* - Explain the details why this allegation is being reclassified.
Apply – click to save and remain on the current screen
Save – click to save and return to the previous screen
Cancel – click to return to the previous page without saving
>> Add-links
[IV24 s02] (revised Nov 2018)