Person Association
The Person Association page displays a listing of relational and non-relational associations between the Person in focus and other persons across the entire system. Relational associations are typically familial in nature (related by blood or marriage) or may represent a person who is part of the household. Non-relational associations are more functional in nature and tend to be representative of someone who plays a part in a situation or process involving the Person in focus.
Associations can be added and deleted from this page.
ADD: To add an association, click the 'Add' button. A Person Search must be completed to locate/add the person with whom the association is to be made. (The 'choose' option on the Person Search screen adds the person to the work item.) Once the person has been added to the grid, the following elements are REQUIRED in order to successfully document the association:
DELETE: To Delete an association, select the association to be deleted by clicking on the row in the display grid to highlight it, then click the ‘Delete’ button.