Generate a standard report

Standard reports are on-demand reports that have pre-defined formats. Rather than being scheduled as a batch job, the on-demand reports are generated only when you request one. Each standard report has one or more worker roles associated with it, and only workers with those roles can generate or retrieve that report.

Generate a standard report as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click Administration > Reports. The Reports Search Criteria screen appears.

  2. Enter your search criteria in the Report Category and Report Type fields.

  3. Click Search. The matching report types appear in the search results.

  4. Click the report link for the type of report you want to generate. The Report History screen appears.

  5. To generate a new report, click Generate Report. For many reports, the system displays a parameter screen. If the report appears in a preview screen, go to step 9.

  6. Complete the fields the fields on the parameter screen and click Generate Report. The report appears in a preview screen.

  7. To change the parameters you used, click Review Parameters, re-enter the parameters, and click Generate Report. The new report appears in the preview screen.

  8. Click the print icon in the PDF tool bar if you want to print the report. Do not use the printing function on your browser tool bar or menu.

  9. Click File > Exit in the PDF screen to close the PDF copy of the report. You are returned to the report parameters screen.

  10. To save the report to the TFACTS history, click Save.

    The system does not save a report or document to TFACTS history until you click Save. This way, you can review it for correctness and re-generate it if necessary before it is permanently saved

See also:

View or print a standard report