View my alerts
Alerts associated with your work items appear on the Desktop tab of the Home screen, inside the Alerts group box. The alerts associated with a particular case will appear on the Case Overview screen for that particular case. The same is true for alerts associated with a resource.
View all your alerts as follows:
Click the Home tab or the home link then click the Desktop tab. An Alerts group box displays with up to 10 alerts listed and a pagination controls row at the bottom of the group box.
Inside the pagination controls row is an orange highlighted number 1 if alerts are displayed, else there is an orange highlighted number 0.
If more than 10 alerts are displayed there is a number 2 in the pagination control row. To see the next group of up to 10 alerts, click the number 2. It highlights in orange and the next group of up to 10 alerts displays.
Inside the pagination controls row the 'items per page' is initially set to 10. The "items per page" may be changed. To do so, click the down arrow to the left of "items per page". A pop-up displays, from which another value can be selected.