Inactivate or re-activate an organization

When necessary, system administrators can indicate that an organization is no longer active in the system. If you inactivate an organization, the record still appears in searches and may be updated as necessary. The inactive organizations do not appear on reports. You can re-activate the record later if necessary.

System administrators can also suspend an organization's access to TFACTS, if necessary. Suspending an organization prevents employees of the organization from accessing any data in TFACTS.

Follow these steps to suspend or inactivate an organization.

  1. From the Home screen, click Administration > Maintenance.

  2. Click Organization Information in the link menu. The Organization Search screen appears.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search. The system displays the matching organizations.

  4. Click the select link for the organization you want to update. The Organization Details screen appears.

  5. To inactivate the organization, check the Inactivate Organization box.

    To re-activate the organization, uncheck the Inactivate Organization box.

  6. To suspend access to TFACTS, check the Suspend access to all employees box. The workers at the organization will not have access to TFACTS.

  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Organization Search screen.