Conduct putative father search and respond to search request

When a child is in the process of being released for adoption, the adoption worker must request a search for the child's putative father. The adoption worker enters details about the child and submits a search request to the Putative Father Worker (PFW). The PFW then conducts a search and enters the search results. The adoption worker can then review the search results.

Follow these steps to conduct a putative father search and respond to the search request.

  1. From the Home screen, click Administration > Utilities. The RMS Basis Items screen appears.

  2. Click Putative Father Request in the link menu. The Putative Father Request Search screen appears.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search. Matching request records appear in the results grid.

  4. Click response to open an existing request record. The Putative Fathers Match Results screen appears.

  5. Click Search Registry. The system uses the details in the search request record to find potential matching fathers. The matching records appear in the results grid.

  6. (Optional) Click the select link for a record to view details. Click Close to return to the search results screen.

  7. In the Cleared list, indicate whether the putative father records have been cleared.

  8. Complete other details for the response.

  9. Click Save. You are returned to the search screen. The system changes the status of the record to "Responded." The adoption worker can view the results of the registry search.

    If a putative father was identified in the registry search, the putative father can notify DCS that he has fathered the child and will claim responsibility for that child. In TFACTS you record the information from individuals who intend to claim paternity of the child. See Register a putative father who claims paternity for a child.

See also:

Submit a request to search for putative father

View the results of putative father search