Record a placement decision and family response

Process: Search for and evaluate adoptive families

In an adoption case, more than one family may have been selected as a potential placement. After the placement details are presented to the family, you record information about the family's decision on placement.

Follow these steps to record a placement decision and the family's response.

  1. Click the Placement Decision tab. This screen displays the final families chosen for potential placement.

  2. Under Families Chosen, click Family Response next to a family name. The Family Response Details screen appears.  

  3. Complete these fields:

    Date of Presentation to Family
    Family Response
    Date of Response

  4. Click OK. You are returned to the Placement Decision tab.

  5. Repeat steps 2 – 4 for each family who has responded.

  6. Click Save. You are returned to the Family Consideration Process screen.