Record the CFTM details for a potential adoptive family

Process: Search for and evaluate adoptive families

After you conduct a search for adoptive families, you  enter the justification why a resource family should be considered as a potential adoptive family, or rule the resource out for consideration. If the family is considered as a potential adoptive family, that family will participate in a permanency child and family team meeting (CFTM).

Follow these steps to enter CFTM details for an adoptive family.

  1. In the Potential Adoptive Families screen lick or the [name] link for child in the History list. The record for each prior search appears.

  2. Click View Results to view the list of potential families for the child. The Potential Matches screen appears.

  3. Click the select link for resource you want to update. The Consideration Justification screen appears.

  4. Select Yes or No in the Consider for Permanency CFTM list.

  5. If you selected No, select the reason and enter the decision date.

  6. Select the Exclude from Future Matches check box, if appropriate.

  7. Enter more information about the decision, as appropriate.

  8. Click Save. You are returned to the Potential Matches screen.

  9. Repeat steps 6 – 11 for each resource for the child.

  10. Click Close to return to the Potential Adoptive Families screen.

  11. Click Next Task> below to continue.