Record a CANS assessment

The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) selected the Child and Adolescent Need and Strengths (CANS) tool developed by Dr. John Lyons of Northwestern University as the tool which best meets the work of DCS in promoting Safety, Well-being and permanence for children in a culturally competent, strengths based, and family focused way. Across all 12 regions, CANS is being used as the instrument to communicate known information about child and family needs and strengths among members of Child and Family Teams for better decision making. Central to this process is the ability to store and retrieve data on the basis of the individual child and family, a region as a whole, a distinct provider of services and by level of service.

CANS involves the identification and ranking of needs according to the level of action each require (3= intensive action, 2=action, 1= watchful waiting or prevention, and 0- no evidence of need). The CANS also identifies strengths (0=centerpiece strength around which you can build a plan of care, 1=a strength you can use, 2- a strength identified but not developed, and 3=no evidence of a strength).

Process Overview

Follow these steps to record a CANS assessment.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the case ID number link for the case you want to view. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click the Assessments link. The Assessments screen appears.

  4. Select CANS in the Assessment Type field and click Add Assessment. The CANS Assessment screen CANS Information tab appears.

  5. In the Assessor field, select the correct assessor, if different than the default.

    Click the link in the next step or Next Task> below to continue.  

  6. Select CANS participants.

  7. Record CANS assessment details.

  8. Validate CANS result and submit for approval.