Record CANS assessment details

Process: Record a CANS assessment

The CANS Assessment tab includes fifty four (54) unique items on the CANS which must always be completed. These CANS items are grouped in Safety, Well- being and Permanency. Nine items of the 54 items require further information if endorsed with a score of ”r;1”, ”r;2” or ”r;3”. These items trigger the need for completion of additional modules; violence, trauma, sexually abusive behavior, developmental, fire setting, runaway, delinquent, substance use. Please see CANS manual for definitions/anchors associated with the CANS items. Other helpful documents that are included are:

TN Glossary of items
CANS Case Protocol
Blank CANS form
CANS interview Format

Safety, Well-being, Permanency and the modules also contain the FFA Supporting Documentation field for recording additional information about the person. The system copies this information to the Family Functional Assessment for the person when the CANS assessment is approved.

Follow these steps to record details for each module of the assessment.

  1. Click the CANS Assessment tab. This tab contains the safety, Well Being and permanency sections and the additional modules that when scored a 1, 2, 3 will become enabled. . The Demographics section is first by default. This section displays custody and placement details for the child.

  2. Click the Safety link and complete the survey.

  3. For each item in the survey, select the response in the 0, 1, 2, 3, or N/A column. Note the meaning of each selection in the Definition/anchors area above and in the help section CANS manual.

  4. If necessary, enter more information in the FFA Supporting Documentation field. The system copies this information to the Family Functional Assessment for the person when the CANS assessment is approved.

  5. Click the Well Being link. Complete the well being section.

  6. Click the Permanence link. Complete the permanence section.

  7. Click the Fire Setting link. Complete the fire setting module.

  8. Click the Violence link. Complete the violence module.

  9. Click the Runaway link. Complete the runaway module.

  10. Click the Sexually Abusive Beh. link. Complete the sexually abusive behavior module.

  11. Click the Delinquent Behavior link. Complete the delinquent behavior survey.

  12. Click the Substance Use Disorder link. Complete the substance use disorder module. Click the Health/Special Needs link to view the health profile for the child. Click Add Drug to add a specific drug being used and the usage details.

  13. Click the Development Needs link. Complete the development needs module. Click the Health/Special Needs link to view the health profile for the child.

  14. Click the Trauma link. Complete the trauma module.

  15. Click Next Task> below to continue.