Record FAST assessment details

Process: Record a FAST assessment

The main assessment section includes a survey of major topics:  family together, caregiver, child functioning, and caregiver advocacy.

Follow these steps to record details for each section of the assessment.

  1. Click the FAST Assessment tab. This tab contains four sections for each survey. The Family Together survey is first by default.

  2. For each item in the survey, select the response in the 0, 1, 2, 3, or N/A column. Note the meaning of each selection in the Definition area above the survey.

  3. If necessary, enter more information in the FFA Supporting Documentation field.

  4. Click the Caregiver link. Complete the caregiver survey.

  5. Click the Child Functioning link. Complete the survey for each child participant.

  6. Click the Caregiver Advocacy link. Complete the caregiver advocacy survey.

  7. Click Next Task> below to continue.