An initial removal record is created when a child has been removed from his or her home and placed in a substitute care setting. The continuous period of time during which the child is in substitute care is referred to as the removal span. The span ends when the child has been discharged from placement.
The initial removal record reflects the following details at the time of the removal:
child’s legal status at the time of the removal
removal circumstance
responsible school district
removal date
primary caretaker
caretaker structure
reason(s) for the removal
If the child's current legal status on the removal record is "Agency," the placement record controls the end dating of the removal record. That is, the initial removal record remains active until the placement ending date has been recorded, with "Discharge" as the end reason. This information populates the discharge date and the discharge reason on the initial removal record. At that time, the initial removal record becomes historical and cannot be edited.
If the child's current legal status on the removal record is "Child," the initial removal record remains active until the discharge date and reason have been recorded on the removal record. Discharge information cannot be recorded for a child who has an active placement record.
See also: