Delete an associated person

A person may have a connection to a case without being a case member or participant. These individuals are considered associated persons. If a person was associated with a case in error, you can delete the person from the list of associated persons. This does not remove their person profile from the system.

Follow these steps to delete an associated person from a case.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the case ID number link for the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click the View Case Information link in the Case Actions area. The Case Profile appears.

  4. Click the Associated Persons tab. This screen lists the individuals who are currently associated with this case.

  5. Click the delete link for the individual who should not be associated with this case.

  6. In the confirmation message, click OK. The person's name is removed from the list of associated persons.

  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Case Overview screen.