End a child's placement

You record an end to a placement when the child has been removed from a substitute care setting and either returned home or moved to another substitute care setting. You can end a placement only when the status of the placement record is "Complete."

You also end a placement that was created in error. Once you end the placement, a delete link appears for the record on the Placement Records screen. You can delete the placement record as long as it is not tied to an approved service authorization record.

Record an end to a placement as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the case ID number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click Placement in the link menu. The Placement Records screen appears. This screen displays any placements recorded for the children on this case. Only one active placement record (with no end date entered) can exist for a child at one time.

  4. (Optional) Enter selection criteria and click Filter to change the records in the grid.

  5. Click the placement end link to view the details of the placement record. The Placement Ending Details screen appears.

  6. In the End Reason list, select the reason for ending the placement record.

  7. Click Save. You are returned to the Placement Records list screen.

    If a placement leave record is open when you attempt to save the placement end information, the system displays a confirmation message to continue. Click OK to end the leave record and the placement record.  

  8. (Optional) Click the delete link to remove the placement record that has been ended.

  9. In the confirmation message, click OK. The record is deleted and you are returned to the Placement Records screen.