Private Provider Monthly Summary Guide and Template

Monthly Summaries

The monthly summaries are to be completed on a monthly basis for each family case served by your agency.  The monthly summaries must be entered in TFACTS by the 15th of the next month.

The Summary is pasted into the Narrative field.



In the Safety, Well-being, Permanency and Visitation sections, expected content should include information about identified needs/strengths and outcomes/progress of goals in the areas documented below.


A. Child Risk Behaviors: Suicide risk, Self mutilation, Other self harm, Danger to others, Runaway, Fire setting, Sexually reactive behavior, Sexually aggressive, Delinquent behavior, Substance use.  Discuss monthly serious incidents in this section.

B. Caregiver Safety Concerns: Substance use, Safety


A. Life Domain Functioning: Medical, Physical, Sleep, Developmental, Sexuality.


and so on....