Record a relative caregiver program referral

In TFACTS you can enter a referral for a relative caregiver program. The referral allows you to request specific case services based on the result of an eligibility determination.

Follow these steps to record a relative caregiver program referral.

  1. From the home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Click the ID number link of the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.

  3. Click Relative Caregiver in the link menu. The Relative Caregiver screen appears.

  4. Click Select Program and select the desired program from the list.

  5. Click Name and select the desired name from the list of case participants.

  6. Click Add Program. The Maintain Relative Caregiver screen appears.

  7. Under Eligibility for Relative Care Program, select the check boxes applicable to the referral.

  8. Click Determine Eligibility. The determination displays next to Eligibility Result.

  9. To override the eligibility determination, click Overridden Eligibility Result and select the result.

  10. Enter the override decision in the Describe Reason for Override box.

  11. Click Approval. You are returned to the Relative Caregiver screen.

  12. After the team leader approves the referral, repeat steps 1 – 3.

  13. Click select to open this referral record.

  14. Click Level and assign a service level.  

  15. (Optional) Click add case service to add a case service. The Case Service Information screen appears. Complete the entry of the case service and click Save. You are returned to the Maintain Relative Caregiver screen.  

  16. Click Save. You are returned to the Relative Caregiver screen.

See also:

Update a referral for a relative caregiver program