Delete strengths and concerns records from a family permanency plan
Multiple strengths and concerns records in a case can be linked to a family permanency plan . If the plan is in the "In Progress" status, you can unlink the strengths and concerns records from the plan. After the records are unlinked, you can delete the records from the family case.
Follow these steps to delete strengths and concerns records from a family permanency plan .
From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the case ID number link for the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click Permanency Plans in the link menu. The Permanency Plans screen appears.
If necessary, enter filter criteria and click Filter to display specific family permanency plans. The matching plans appear in the results grid.
Click the select link to open a family permanency plan . The Permanency Plan Topics screen appears.
Click the Link Strengths and Concerns link. The Strengths and Concerns screen appears. This screen displays the strengths and concerns records already recorded in the case. Linked records have a check mark in the Link column.
If necessary, enter filter criteria and click Filter to display specific strengths and concerns records. The matching records appear in the results grid.
In the Link column, uncheck the records you want to unlink from the family permanency plan .
Click Save. You are returned to the Permanency Plan Topics screen.
Click Close. You are returned to the Permanency Plans screen.
After the records are unlinked, you can delete the strengths and concerns records from the case. Please see Delete strengths and concerns records from a case.
See also:
Delete strengths and concerns from a case
Record concerns for a case