Record a strengths record for a case
Strengths and Concerns records are the ”r;heart” of case planning. Every individual or family strength will have its own strength record that will describe the strength . A strength record can be created for one or multiple case members. The components of a strength record are:
Participants (These are the case members who have an active role in a particular strength record.)
Indicators (These are areas identified by assessment tools indicating a the strength .)
Describe the Strength (This is a text box where you describe the functional strength .)
Follow these steps to enter a strength record for a case.
From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.
Click the case ID number link for the case you want to update. The Case Overview screen appears.
Click Strengths and Concerns in the link menu. The Strengths tab appears.
Click Add Strength to record a new strength record for one or more case members. The Strength screen appears.
In the Participants grid, select the check box for each case member who has the strengths you are documenting.
In the Available Strength Indicators box, click the items for the record and click Add>>. Those items move to the Selected Strength Indicators box. DCS assessments such as the CANS , FAST, YLS, and ACLSA should help you determine what the indicators should be for that strength .
In the Describe the Strength box, enter more details about the strengths you selected.
Click Save. You are returned to the Strengths tab.
(Optional) Link the applicable CFTM /FSTM to the strength record. You would link the CFTM /FSTM where the strength was discussed.
See also:
Record a concern record for a case
Link strengths and concerns records to a family permanency plan