Link strengths and concerns to a family permanency plan
Process: Record a permanency plan
In a family case, strengths and concerns can be documented independently from the permanency plan . While you are completing a family permanency plan , you can link existing strength and concerns records to the plan. You can also record new strengths and concerns records specifically for the plan, if appropriate. See Record strengths for a case and Record concerns for a case for details.
Follow these steps to link strengths and concerns records to the family permanency plan .
On the Permanency Plan Topics screen, click Link Strength and Concerns. The Strengths/Concerns screen appears. This screen displays the strengths and concerns already recorded in the case.
(Optional) Click select to view the details of a strength or concern record.
(Optional) Click update to record a new concern based on the existing concern record. The Concern screen appears. Modify the details for the new concern and click Save. You are returned to the Strengths/Concerns screen.
If a worker wants to add a new strength or concern record they should exit the Permanency Plan section and make the new entry from the strength and concern section. The worker would then return to the link strengths and concerns from the permanency plan topics page to link the new entries.
In the Link column, select the check box for each strength and concern you want to add to the permanency plan .
Click Save. You are returned to the Permanency Plan Topics screen. The Status column shows how many records you linked.
Click Next Task> below to continue.