Link visitation plans to a permanency plan
Process: Record a permanency plan
Visitation plans can be recorded for the family case, independently of the permanency plan . For each child participant in the permanency plan , one visitation plan can be linked.
Follow these steps to link a visitation plan.
First enter a Visitation Plan
Navigate to the Permanency Plan Topics screen and click Link Visitation Plan. The Linked Visitation Plans screen appears.
Click the Link Visitation button to link a visitation plan to the permanency plan . The Visitation Plans Filter Criteria screen appears.
Enter filter criteria and click Filter. The matching visitation plans appear in the list.
Select the check box for the visitation plan you want to select for the child.
Click OK. You are returned to the Linked Visitation Plans screen.
(Optional) Click the select link to view details for the visitation plan.
Click Save. You are returned to the Permanency Plan Topics screen.
Click Next Task> below to continue.