Enter signature information
Process: Record a family permanency plan
Before the family permanency plan is approved, you record the participants and workers involved in developing the family permanency plan . The worker, supervisor and participants should actually sign the paper documents when the Family Permanency Plan is developed in a CFTM or FSTM. The worker will scan the original signatures and attach it to the family case through the document section. This section allows the worker to electronically record who signed the paper documents at the CFTM or FSTM.
Follow these steps to enter the signature information.
On the Permanency Plan Topics screen, click Signatures. The Signature Information screen appears.
In the Present column, select the check box for each person who was present at the plan development and had opportunity to sign the agreement.
Enter the date when the person signed the paper plan document.
(Optional) Click Add Person to select other people who attended the meeting to develop the family permanency plan and had opportunity to sign.
Click Save. You are returned to the Permanency Plan Topics screen.
Click Next Task> below to continue.