View or print a case work item document

During the normal course of work on a case or resource record, you will want to print certain documents. These are printed from the report link on a list screen, or on certain detail screens.

Print work item documents for a case as follows:

  1. From the Home screen, click the Case tab. The Case Workload screen appears.

  2. Select the case you want to open. The Case Overview screen appears.  

  3. In the link menu, click a link, such as Assessments. A list screen appears and displays the available records. The report link appears for any record where you can generate a report or a form.  

  4. Click the report link for the record you want to print. The Document Details screen appears. It displays any previously saved documents of the type you selected.

  5. To print an existing document, click the ID link. The document appears in a PDF preview screen.

    If necessary, you can generate a new work item document.

  6. To print the document, select File > Print in the preview screen.

  7. Click File > Exit to close the preview screen. You are returned to the Document Details screen.

  8. To save the report to the report history in TFACTS, click Save.

    The system does not save the document to the TFACTS history until you click Save. You can review the document and re-generate it if necessary before saving it.

See also:

View or print a form, notice, or letter

View or print a standard report