Electronic Case File
The Electronic Case File Search screen provides quick access to important information for the Person in focus. Get to this screen by clicking +more on the Person Home Page. The search criteria are Event Types, and/or To and From Dates. Enter search criteria and the search results will display for the Person in focus, sorted on the Event Date, in descending order.
See TFACTS Event Types for a complete listing of the event types to filter on.
Electronic Case File Search Criteria:
Multiple event types can be selected for search criteria.
The From and To Dates cannot be future dates.
The To Date cannot be less than the From Date.
If the To Date is entered, the From Date is required.
Any Event with a status of ‘Created in Error’ will be excluded from search results unless the ‘Include Created in Error’ events check box is checked.
All events for the Person in focus can be viewed by clicking Search without entering any search criteria.
TFACTS will provide a brief textual summary of each event. The summary will not exceed 200 characters. The level of detail in the summary will be based upon the viewing user’s security access.
If the user has the security to view the event, then the summary will consist of the following information:
Event Type
If the user does not have the security to view the event, then the summary will consist of the following information:
Event Type
Some Events displayed in the Electronic Case File will have a select link that provides direct navigation to the event record to view or update.