Person Search
This page allows you to search for person records in TFACTS. TFACTS Person search is powered by SOLR and provides a flexible search method by allowing the user to perform an exact match search or a search by combining values such as a Name and a Birth Date. Searching by Person ID, SSN, or Reference Type will result in an exact match. For example, if you enter person ID = 2052346 in the PERSON ID field, TFACTS will return the one person record that matches that person ID.
The exact person search field in TFACTS is a more powerful way to search as it will yield only one result. TFACTS will not allow you to use both exact match criteria and other criteria in the same search action. If you enter exact match criteria, like an SSN, all other search criteria fields will be disabled.
Person Search will display a maximum of 250 results for each search executed. The more criteria you enter, the fewer results will be returned as additional criteria narrows down the result set. This can work both as an advantage or disadvantage. If you have reliable search criteria, then entering more will be beneficial. If you have a location, using the Advanced Criteria Search feature may assist you in narrowing down the location based on address information. However, if you are using criteria that has not been validated, like information received on a CPS referral, entering more criteria may exclude some results that may be relevant.
Person Search can be accessed from the search link in the header of most pages in TFACTS. This Person Search is normally used to see if a certain person exists in the system and if so, access their information. Each person returned by the person search will have a select link that will navigate you to their Person Overview page. From there, you can view additional information about that person.
Person Search can be invoked from many places in TFACTS. For example, when adding a person to an intake or case, the Child and Family Team, or to a Case Recording you may conduct a person search. Results returned from a person search from within a workflow will provide two links: select and choose.
Clicking choose will add the person to the work item.
Clicking select will navigate you to the Person Overview page where you can verify that you have selected the correct person to add to the work item.**One way to remember the difference between select and choose is that you “Select to view” and “Choose to use.”
SOLR: A Whole New Way to Find Persons in TFACTS
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