Permanency Plan Identifying Information
This screen appears after clicking on the 'Identifying Information' hyper link on the Permanency Plan Topics screen or after clicking the ‘Revise’ hyper link on the Perm Plan list page. This screen allows the user to record the Plan Date and serves as the list page for displaying Goal Participants and Plan Participants for the Permanency Plan.
Action Buttons (Add Goal Participants and Add Plan Participants) launch to a case members list from which goal and plan participants are chosen.
Note that a person cannot be designated as a goal participant and a plan participant on the same plan. Goal participants are the children/youth in the family case for who a permanency goal has been identified.
Permanency Goals are identified on the Permanency Goal screen.
When a Goal Participant is selected on the Permanency Plan Information screen, the active goal associated with the selected participant will be derived and displayed on the Identifying Information screen.
Record a family permanency plan
Print a permanency plan summary
CM10a S01