NOA Detail
The purpose of the Notice of Action (NOA) is to comply with the provisions of the Grier Consent Decree where it is mandated that DCS provide written notification of any changes (proposed or actual) to the level of care a child has been receiving. The NOA is the official court-approved documentation that DCS uses to notify the TennCare Consumer Advocates and other interested parties of any changes to a child's level of care.
TFACTS will automatically generate a NOA instance when one of the following events is documented in the system:
A Need has an Action Step added where the Placement Recommendation (NOA) Type is entered with a placement recommendation level of care selected qualifies for NOA (generally level 2 or higher).
These fields will need to be completed in order to generate the NOA document:
Start Date: Start date of the Action Step
Note: Date needs to be typed in, do not use the calendar
Expected Completion Date: Date the team expects this action step to be completed. The date must be a future date and can’t be over twelve months from the Start Date.
Note: Date needs to be typed in, do not use the calendar
Placement Recommendation: If a placement recommendation meets an NOA qualification of level 2 or higher, additional fields will need to be completed to generate the NOA:
Placement Start Date: Date the team would like the placement to start
How Decided: Select the drop-down response corresponding with the Assessment tool used in the decision making process.
This Is Why: Select the drop-down response corresponding with the decision type made for this level of care.
Contact Number: Telephone Number of the SS Custody or JJ Custody worker.
A Placement that qualifies for NOA is documented for a child/youth.
The NOA instance created by TFACTS will be in 'Draft' status by default.
Completing and Finalizing a NOA
Notices of Action (NOAs) are now completed from the Person Home Page or from the Placement List page (if the NOA was generated from a Placement entry).
To complete from Person Home Page, navigate to the Person Home Page for the child/youth that has an NOA to be completed.
From the Person Home Page scroll down to the Quick Actions drop-down or the Electronic Case File displays.
To open a NOA record generated in the Electronic Case File click the select link to open the NOA record.
Click the Quick Actions drop-down and select Complete NOA. This will open a pop-up window.
Highlight the NOA you wish to complete by clicking on that row to select it.
Click the Select button.
The NOA Detail page will display the Child/Youth information and NOA Date at the top of the page. If the NOA was generated from a Placement instead of a Placement Recommendation, the child/youth's Current Placement and Previous Placement (if applicable) will also display.
The following fields (denoted with a red asterisk) are required for NOA completion.
Note: If the NOA was generated within the CFTM, the user will only have to answer the first two fields. The other fields are system generated from within the CFTM meeting Action Step that was completed and approved.
NOA Recipients
TFACTS will automatically populate the child/youth in focus as the 'Child Concerning' recipient if the child/youth is age 14 or older.
Other recipients are automatically populated based upon their association to the child/youth in focus.
To Add a NOA Recipient, You can select form a list of existing Associated Persons, OR, you can conduct a Person Search to add a person who is not currently associated with the child/youth in focus.
To Delete a NOA Recipient, select the recipient row to be deleted in the Recipient grid, then click the Delete button.
o Each person identified as a Recipient on the NOA must have a designated Role. Select one Role value from the Role drop down list for each Recipient. Valid values are: Child Concerning, Involved Adult, Lawyer, Guardian Ad Litem, DCS Case Manager, Residential Service Provider, Other Advocate.
NOA Given
This element indicates whether the Recipient was given a copy of the NOA at the staffing.
If there was a Need with an Action Step for a placement recommendation change of level 2 or higher on the CFTM this requires a NOA. The checkbox within the Participant grid corresponding to NOA Given should indicate if the NOA was given.
If the NOA was generated from a Placement and not a Placement Recommendation, then TFACTS will default the answer to No since there was no staffing.
Date Given/Mailed
Enter the date a copy of the NOA was either given or mailed to the Recipient.
Cannot be a future date.
This is REQUIRED for each Recipient.
Phone Number
Enter the Phone Number for the Recipient, if available. Not required.
Present at Staffing
Indicate whether the Recipient was present at the staffing where the recommendation for placement was made.
If the Recipient was present for the CFTM, the checkbox within the Participant grid corresponding to NOA Given should indicate if the NOA was given.
If the NOA was generated from a Placement and not a Placement Recommendation, then TFACTS will default the answer to No since there was no staffing.
Indicate whether the Recipient indicated their wish to appeal the decision at the staffing where the recommendation for placement was made.
If the NOA was generated from a CFTM, indicate in the Recipient Grid if the participant wished to Appeal the decision made.
If the NOA was generated from a Placement and not a Placement Recommendation, then TFACTS will default the answer to No since there was no staffing.
When all information has been entered, change the Status from "Draft" to "Completed".
IMPORTANT NOTE: When a NOA is moved to 'Completed' status, TFACTS will automatically generate and save the NOA form in the system. The form no longer has to be manually generated.
Change the Status from "Completed" to "Final." The form no longer has to be manually generated, it automatically routes to Office of Permanency Planning for review and submission to the TNCare Advocate group.
Click Save.
Processing NOAs from Placement
[CM46] (revised Nov 2017)