CFTM - Hold a CFTM
The Hold CFTM Quick Action involves documenting the actual CFTM that has occurred (or is occurring).
The following fields are REQUIRED
Utilize Calendar function or enter Date; cannot be future date.
Enter Time; cannot be future time.
CFTM Type –
Select one or more CFTM Type(s).
Location Type
Select one Location Type
Were TennCare Appeal Rights explained?
Select Yes, No or Not Applicable.
Did most members agree with the team's decision(s)?
Select Yes or No.
If No is selected, then an explanation must be entered in the What are the concerns of those who disagreed? narrative field.
The child in focus for which the CFTM is being held will auto-populate as a Participant.
If a scheduled CFTM record was selected, any persons Invited will auto-populate and the Invited column will contain a check mark.
Click Add to add other participants of the CFTM.
Select the Role of Child Concerning for all child Participants for whom the CFTM was held; click inside the Role column on the row next to the Participant and select the Child Concerning value from the dropdown.
Select the role of Facilitator for the Participant who facilitated the CFTM; click inside the Role column on the row next to the Participant and select the Facilitator value from the dropdown.
Participation Method
Select one Participation Method value for each Participant.
Click inside the Participation Method column on the row next to the Participant and select the appropriate value.
OR click the pencil icon
to choose same value for all from the dropdown and click
’Apply to All’
Absent - Indicates Participant did not attend
In Person - Indicates Participant was physically present
Phone Conference - Indicates participation by phone
Video Conference - Indicates participation by Skype or other video conferencing tool.
NOA Given
Indicate whether or not a Notice of Action was given to the Participant during the CFTM.
Click inside the NOA Given column on the row next to the Participant; select Yes, No, Not Applicable
click the pencil icon to choose same
value for all from the dropdown and click Apply
to All.
Strengths and Needs (and Action Steps)
At least one Need record must be created, if one doesn’t already exist
At least one Strength record must be created, if one doesn’t already exist
Refer to hyperlinks below
The following fields are OPTIONAL:
Permanency Goals
If applicable, click on each Child Concerning row under the Permanency Goal section, then click Select to add or update the child’s Permanency Goal.
Family Story
Describe the FAMILY'S ACCOUNT of the situation.
For all participants designated as Child Concerning on the CFTM and all persons with a relational-type association to the Child Concerning, the Family Story will become part of their individual Electronic Case File.
Parent/Child Visit
Document information related to parent/child visitation.
There are no integration points for this at this time.
Sibling Visit
Document information related to sibling visitation.
There are no integration points for this at this time.
Is there any new information available on absent/uninvolved parents, grandparents, adult relatives or significant kin at this time? What efforts have been made to locate, contact or engage them?
Document information related to search for/identification of relatives, kin or other potential resources for the child/youth.
Worker Observation(s)/Additional Information
Document observations or additional information related to the CFTM.
Next Meeting Date
Entering the date of the next CFTM here will create a new Scheduled CFTM record.
Next Meeting Time
Enter the time of the next CFTM
Note: Use the Reschedule CFTM option under Quick Actions to reschedule CFTM.
Needs & Action Steps - Online Help
Action Steps Types & Associated Values
How to Manage a Credit Check Record in TFACTS
[CM47_actual] (revised Apr 2018)