Home Workload

This screen appears upon initial log-in to TFACTS and whenever you click the Home tab, the home header link (top of page) and the HOME footer link (bottom of page). This screen displays basic information about your workload and provides quick links to work items and related information.  Items on this page are displayed in a tabular format, each row represents a work item.  Basic Workload information can be Sorted and Filtered.  View this dropdown defaults to the Workload View for the worker logged in.  If the worker has additional securities for additional work (e.g. Child Welfare Benefits Coordinator (CWBC)) the worker can use the dropdown to change the workload view to see only those items that are applicable to the selected view.

Workload View

    Worker's Name


    The Basic Workload information displayed is:




        Assignment Role

        Last column (no heading) Days Assigned

     expand arrow

     Alerts Button

    TFACTS Home Workload for Supervisors

Child Welfare Benefits Counselor View The items displayed are not “assignments” but actually “reminders” of tasks that need to be completed for a particular child, the CWBC sees these reminders because they are assigned a work item for the child associated.  Any CWBC can work any reminder as there are no restrictions to any one CWBC or group of CWBCs.  The CWBC View information displayed is:
   Person ID

   Work Item Name


   Action Needed

   Due Date

   expand arrow


   CWBC Supervisor

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[cm60_s01] (revised Apr 2017)


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