Intake - Referent Information

This screen allows you to enter information about the person who contacted the agency about this intake.  The referent has the option to remain anonymous.

If the referent does not choose to remain anonymous then enter, at a minimum, Referent Category, Referent Role and click the Add Referent button.  Clicking the Add Referent button displays the Participant screen where you can enter the Referent's name, identifying information, and roles.

You will see "Referent Name: +" on the screen.  After adding a referent on the Participant screen, the Referent's name will display here and the referent's name will be a hyperlink to the Participant Screen.

If the referent chooses to remain anonymous, check the Anonymous Referent check box, in the Referent Information area.  The Anonymous Referent check box is a toggle. Click it to check the box and click it again un-check the box.  Check Anonymous Referent and none of the information on this screen will be required.    

In the ADDITIONAL FIELDS area, you will see an icon with a plus sign beside the label, "View Additional  Fields". This icon is also a toggle.  Click the minus sign and it changes to a plus sign.  Click the plus sign and it changes to a minus sign.  Click the plus sign and several fields appear for you to enter more details about this referent, including I-3 details.  

How do I...

Record an intake

Record referent information

Fields on this screen


[IN01c s02]

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