Record a CPS intake

When you receive a referral that involves an alleged abuse or neglect, you collect as much information as possible so that the safety of the children can be determined. You must also record enough information for a screening decision maker to approve the track and response priority.

However, in order to save an intake record and obtain an intake ID number, you need only the date and time the intake was received and the method of receipt. You can complete the details for the intake at a later time, if necessary. Be sure to write the ID number down for reference, so you can easily find the intake later and complete it.

Process Overview

Follow the process below to record a complete intake record.

  1. From the Home screen, click the Intake tab. The CPS Intake Workload screen appears.

  2. Click Add CPS Intake. The CPS Intake screen Basic tab appears.

  3. Record basic intake information.

  4. Record referent or reporter information.

  5. Record intake participant information.

  6. Record additional intake details.

  7. Record intake allegations.

  8. Record out-of-home care information, if applicable to the case. 

  9. Indicate a completed intake.

After the intake is marked complete, the system sends a notice to screening decision maker to review the intake. See Record the CPS intake decision.

If the screening decision maker returns the intake to you for further work, you can view the screening decision maker remarks.